had diarrhoea since friday, maybe it was food @ cgh. was there 2 do cheerleading 4 sgh's debate team. n we won!!! haha, had great fun playing with e pom poms. n it was indeed a rare sight 2 c our Sisters screaming their heads off n letting themselves loose. haha.. well done, sgh! all e best 4 grand finals with KKH!
still had diarrhoea 2day, cos i ate some spicy food which Sister treated us to ytd. first time they so nice. a measure to control e high mc rates these days. 4 staffs took mc on fri, including me.
6 more days away from shanghai trip!!! excited.. gtg, going 4 a friend's b'day party later. i'll b extra careful with wat i eat. wanna enjoy my holiday..
my 3rd night of work 2day. 2 nights were over b4 i knew it. it is esp tiring to nurse very ill patients who can't even move an inch. even if they can, they'll b grasping 4 air with the slightest effort 2 move. how i fear that they die. how vulnerable life is.. one of my confused n ma fan patient died unexpectedly. not even on the dangerously ill list. maybe it's better 4 them this way, they can finally end their suffering. talked 2 Sister re: transfer to general surg n getting more manpower. seems like she could only arrange 4 e clerk 2 buy meals 4 us. dun think we could afford 2 go 4 breaks anyway.. but at least it showed tat she cared.
went 2 buy breakfast after work 2day, saw my senior nurse smoking. she lied to me tat she's getting sth from her car. i couldn't hide my disappointment. how could she? she's a nurse! she sure knows its negative effects on her health. sighs.. n she's not e only nurse i know who smokes. maybe i'm a little too judgemental, not right 2 impose my thinking on others. It's their lives anyway.. she said she smokes when there's lots of stress. but aren't there other ways 2 relieve stress? she's been thru a lot, gone thru e hard ways of life. but i still think it's just an excuse.
saw myself developing more patience when i talk 2 daddy nowadays. :) glory 2 e Lord!
lots of things going on.. tuition camp, flag day, meeting friends 4 dinner n window shopping, prep 4 e trip.. practically going out whenever i'm off duty this wk.
Yay! finally got chance 2 go somewhere far 4 holiday le. going shanghai from 3rd to 11th june with church friends. hehe.. am looking 4ward 2 it. :) actually was thinking of visiting e goat's farm, snow city, sentosa n play badminton during my annual leave. next time ba.
work, work n more work. but at least it's meaningful work. :) choose to do things the righteous way, it's real pleasing in God's eyes. u'll feel good, pple around u can c e diff. n b influenced. doing night shift from sun onwards. i seem 2 b doing nite shift every 2 weeks these days. tat'll mean more $$$. hehe, can save up 4 e trip.
was sad when i found out y my friend has been hostile towards me. ?!?! e reason sounds ridiculous. am @ a loss 2 wat i should do now. sighs.. sometimes kindness does not pay off. wat'll one do then? it is indeed not easy 2 love one who hates u.
rested after working consecutively for 4 days. understaffed these days. always 4 nurses each shift nowadays, even for ultra busy morning shift. many dangerously ill patients. super-stretched. furthermore, have been going out after work these days. physically n mentally drained.. may i find rest in the Lord.
i saw my working conditions improve little by little as me n some other colleagues continued working hard. Wow, it wont b a drastic change all @ once but i'm seeing results. Thank God. we'll hold on and influence the others in our own quiet way. yeah, n i hope wendy and Rosie is doing well as they make effort 2 love their colleagues and try 2 change the situation in their environment. jia you, sisters! cont. to trust that e Lord will give us strength n power 2 live our lifes in His righteous way. :)
these pics were taken @ balai about 10 days ago. love the simple life there. dun mind staying there for a few days or staying there when i am old. wild pig fom the top.
dunno wat this fruit is called, cannot b found in s'pore. tastes nice though.
salted fishes @ a fisherman's house
door to door medical check-up
experts with their fishing nets. hang hang chu zhuang yuan.
going back to work 2night. hope 2 get the rhythm back fast. well, din really spend my annual leave e way i wanted exactly. but i did get some getaway @ balai. glad God provided a new ju hui suo 4 e balai church and already have abt 70 pple going to the new place. :) wan shi hu xiang xiao li, jiao ai shen de ren de yi chu. may God cont. to guide pastor Yati and the ministry there.
the combination of clement n jason is really a terror. they just can't sit still and shut up for a minute. haha.. but they're funny n nv fail to amuse me.
baked apple and peach crumble ytd night with sis. we had fun. :) made 18 altogether but some were too crumbled, had trouble taking it out fom the patty tray. they tasted great! :) yummy stuff. giving it out to my friends. gtg buy tickets for a musical in july le. wanna watch fei xiang sing @ esplanade. can melt when i watch n hear him sing.