watched i not stupid 2. sooooo touching, cried 4 times thru out e show. it's gd reflection on how pple treat kids who dun do well in sch, as well as e communication prob with us s'poreans. **** rating movie in my opinion. i once had a gd friend who was in ITE n mixed with those ah beng n ah lians, think she sorta have no choice but 2 mix with them. actually, i feel tat most of them aren't really tat bad, just tat society shaped them this way. now, we've lost contact. or maybe i should say we din wanna stay in contact after some incidents. heard from vien tat she's working @ a ktv nowadays. i've even dreamt of meeting her in my dreams. i wonder wat i'll do if i c her ever again.. sighs.. toking abt ktv, i do hope 2 go sing soon. craving..
goin 2 church 4 discussion then doing nite shift. my department has just started functioning as an infection department. hope things r settled n i wont get so much of "shit" 2nite.
so happy, bought a french-style white top ytd while shopping. super nice n i wanted 2 get one sometime ago. looks formal though. next on my shopping list is a pair of new specs or maybe contact lens. haven decide whether 2 still wanna wear contacts anot cos of e neg health effects.
wait till i get my pay la.
last wk was super busy n stressed up cos of changes at work n lots of church activities. tried out puppeting during worship session for e kindergarden kids in church on sun tog with some teachers. fun! such a nice feeling 2 work with enthusiastic pple. sth diff for e kids, was well-received. thank god.
really think working on kids is highly enjoyable n uplifting. can consider teaching them as an alternative career. not exactly sure wat i wanna do after my nursing bond though.
going back 2 work on wed. i dread going to intensive care area 2 work. so noisy, machines beeping all e time cos they're very sensitive. n somethings i'm still not v sure of. got scolded by my senior tat day. harsh environment.
things really press on my nerves sometimes.. nearly got complaint letter directed 2 us on sat. tat day got 7 discharges. One patient's daughter had 2 collect e meds from e pharmacy by herself. well, she couldnt wait. she was already unhappy abt tat. n, we din have anymore wheelchairs 4 her mum 2 wheel downstairs. i merely suggested 2 her she could get a wheelchair at level 1. i really din have anymore manpower, n so much more work 2 do. she got super worked up n started chiding me, threatened 2 complain somemore. " Don't tell me this is the kind of service u provide at e great SGH? it's totally unacceptable......" no choice, i had 2 apologise, get e wheelchair n wheel her mum (2 n a half times my size) down since she was already so angry. n they had 2 request 4 L sized pampers, making me run so many places just 2 get it. I was sooooooo pissed n frustrated. close 2 tears but yet had 2 smile n pretend it's fine. y can't pple understand tat nurses have sooooo much 2 do n soooo many responsibilities? all e shit. everything from resusistation to monitoring, to serving meds, to spondging e patients, to faxing, to documenting, to doing wound dressings n procedures, to coordinating with drs n other healthcare professionals, to educating, to clearing bedpans, to serving diets. n providing gd service above all tat. sometimes, i think i am going crazy cos of work. luckily, there's God 2 comfort me. Dear Lord, make me brave, strong n patient.
me n my jing xin jie zuo. taken sometime ago.
petite arrangement. nice!
gift from pei n bird on my 20th birthday! sleeps with me.
my family "dog". its name is loose neck. gift from church friends. cute!
Fun with family on chu er... mama, me n sis @ marina. mum looks irritated.
me n sis posing @ void deck
e 3 beauties @ singapore river. small merlion @ e back. do we look alike?
finally a pic with tall bro.
nice, gigantic lantern in my fav colour@ marina square atrium.
changed my blogskin. love it. simple n nice like me. ha.. happy CNY to all. went visiting after work ytd. went 2 my preceptor's hse, had yu sheng n learnt abit of majong. then hilda's hse. tried 2 play with her hamster but was too scared 2 hold it. it looks real cute though. was tempted 2 gamble @ her hse but was glad i stood firm n refused. i nearly gave way. thank God. was so tired by e end of e day. only woke up @ 12pm 2day.
am enjoying my break yet again. 4 days including today. wanna learn sth new. maybe jap language. or a private course on early childhood education. or a make-up course.