hmph.. unable 2 load some pics of my treasured possessions cos of some "cookies" thingy. next time ba.
started on another round of night shift since ytd. a relatively peaceful nite. thank God. 3 more nites 2 go! was at tb plaza b4 work 2 check on my bank account. a few foreign gals asked me whether it was possible 4 them 2 transfer cash 2 a friend. i asked them 2 proceed 2 e bank at level 1 when it was already 8pm.. blurblur me.. e bank was already closed!!! oops.. too late, e gals already not in sight. was a little disorientated without my watch n after sleeping for long hrs.
2day's finally pay day! waited real long 4 it, esp since i was in debts. owed mum $$$ cos of insurance deductions. have 2 keep a tighter sleign on my finances this mth. i wanna save! glad new yr's here. already started munching on new yr goodies. potato chips, fav coconut biscuits. throat uncomfortable n pimple popping out liao. effective remedy: flush down with lots of H20!
was given a chance 2 learn when me n another sis-in-christ taught our fellowship abt gospel contents last sun. was real stressed up cos it was solid stuff. was glad God brought us thru it all. huo yi bu qian.
read 2day's issue of mind ur body. it said research shows tat pet owners live longer n r happier. i want a real dog too, ting. hmm.. dream dream dream.. prob one from SPCA. watched news e day b4 ytd. news tat owners abandon their pets after new yr n SPCA had no choice but 2 ren dao hui mie as they didnt have enough space 4 so many. poor pets, mostly dogs. irresponsible pple. y didnt they think n consider thoroughly b4 they get one? e tot of it makes me angry.
cute humpty dumpty which i spinned from machine. gave my bro when he was taking Os, to spur him on. couldnt find e machine where it used 2 b when i wanted 2 spin another 4 pei..
here i come updating my blog..
was lookin thru my past entries n realised tat i dun have much photos in here..
shall upload some later.
am on leave right now till this sun.. din go on holiday but i din waste it just lazing ard.
went out with friends these days.
had a great time catching up esp with chris who's back from new york. i really do wanna go overseas n experience independent life, at least for 1 yr ba.. when i get a chance, i'll go. see e big world out there. have been cooped up in spore for long. she'll b a dr's assistant in 4 yr's time n she promised 2 hire me when she sets up a clinic over there.. by then, i'd have already finished my 3 yr bond with sgh. Yay!
my department will b converted 2 infection department soon. it'll b more tough but i'm ready 4 e challenge. gotta wear protective gown, mask n maybe even goggles.. quite ma fan..
am glad 2 have started on writing a daily journal on my walk with God. yeah.. finally. so tat i can remember how God moulded me 2 b e person he wants me 2 be, n also b more thankful for e blessings tat he has bestowed upon me. :)
SGH dinner n dance @ suntec. retro theme.. FUN!
Mr. handsome with 3 chicks! hehe..
cute me! haha..
just keep raining... y not snow? i wanna see REAL SNOW!!! hmm, gotta b realistic.. quite free from work this wk.. was talking 2 sis n she was telling me she wanna keep studying till she gets a PhD.. ask me 2 finance her.. definitely not cheap, man.. but i got so many things 2 pay for.. y me?!? tat's unfair.
a friend told me she just broke up with her bf.. wonder how she's now. keep calling her but she nv pick up, replied me msgs though.. a little worried. talking abt e prob will help ease e pain a little, gal. give me a call when u feel better ya.. really think it's really more worthwhile 2 invest time in friendships n family.. at least it's not as fragile n jing1 bu4 qi3 kao3 yan4 as romantic love. but rem, pple can fail n disappoint u but God won't.. this helped me pull thru my last breakup..
some days ago, sth ridiculous happened 2 me. i was going home at abt 10pm after work n saw a little gal asking 4 directions at SGH. i stopped 2 help.. n asked her where's she actually going, where her parents r.. she gave me a blur look n told me her mum (a patient there) ask her 2 go home herself. i finally got 2 her mum n her mum actually asked me 2 bring her kid home! n she didnt beg me or thank me at all! wat kind of parent is tat.. n their home's at AMK!!! when i'm staying so near sgh n gotta wake up @ 530am e next day 4 work! i told e mum tat it wasn't my responsibility 2 bring her home.wanted 2 scold but controlled myself.. i couldnt let e poor gal go home herself so i went with her. ended up taking cab home. wonder if i'm too stupid or just too kind.. hao3 ren2 bei4 ren2 qi1. sighs..