The time intervals between my posts r getting wider++... It really is a commitment 2 keep a blog updated.
Tot of having a tiny cute dog after talking 2 a friend who has one.. Hmm. I'll get 2 walk it, feed it, play with it, bathe for it... But no space at home for it anyway. N would be quite a chore to keep e house free from its faceces.. Hmm.. Next time if i get a house on my own, i'd want one.
Went to work ytd. Nearly made a medication error.. Luckily, my colleague stopped me in the nick of time. Thank God! I wouldn't want to endanger anyone's life with my mistake.
One of my patients asked me y not i change job... maybe to an air stewardess? She said it's such a waste for such a pretty-face to be a nurse. Haha, thanx for e compliment but I dun want tat. A pretty face won't last n i dun like taking planes.
Found this poem very meaningful, came upon it in email. It's written by an old lady who was nursed till she passed away. Simple. Btw, i shortened it a little in e middle...
Crabby Old Woman
"What do you see, nurses? What do you see?
What are you thinking When you're looking at me?
A crabby old woman, Not very wise, Uncertain of habit, With faraway eyes?
Who dribbles her food And makes no reply
When you say in a loud voice, "I do wish you'd try!"
Who seems not to notice The things that you do,
And forever is losing A stocking or shoe?
Who, resisting or not, Lets you do as you will,
With bathing and feeding, The long day to fill?
Is that what you're thinking?
Is that what you see?
Then open your eyes, nurse, You're not looking at me.
I'll tell you who I am As I sit here so still,
As I do at your bidding, As I eat at your will. "...
(She tells of her life from a child to a teenage to a mother to a grandmother with a dead spouse)...
"And I think of the years And the love that I've known.
I'm now an old woman And nature is cruel;
'Tis jest to make old age Look like a fool.
The body, it crumbles, Grace and vigor depart,
There is now a stone Where I once had a heart.
But inside this old carcass A young girl still dwells,
And now and again, My battered heart swells.
I remember the joys, I remember the pain,
And I'm loving and living Life over again.
I think of the years All too few, gone too fast,
And accept the stark fact That nothing can last.
So open your eyes, people, Open and see,
Not a crabby old woman; Look closer . . see ME!! "
Hmm.. Do I actually treat a patient emotionally, beyond just doing tasks n following routines? Do I look into their heart and find out why they're anxious or worried? Do I love them enough? Am I concerned? Well, it wont be easy 2 do tat cos of the heavy workload but can try... This is gd reflection.
And i'm glad tat life for me doesn't just end when my body dies away. I'll be together with God in heaven where there's no pain nor suffering, enjoying fellowship. =)
Busy working shift these days. Eat, work, sleep, eat, work, sleep... Not much of a social life since becoming a nurse. Pay day today! =) Finally! Owe mum so much $$$ and havent been giving the amt of offerings tat i actually want to. Wonder where it all went. Gotta work on controlling my finances since i gotta start repaying dad's cpf (cos i used his cpf for schooling fees previously).
Will be performing with NYP choir at e end of e yr. Yay! How i miss choral performing... not v sure i can get leave tat day though.. cos everyone will b clearing leave then. Gotta get it by hook or by crook! hmm, tat sounds evil..
Was quite affected by wat happened to my gd friend at work.. so poor thing, scolded by Sister n colleagues talking behind her back. She cried, i consoled. But she refused to tell me wat happened. !? why wont she tell me? hmm.. Think it's so tough for PRCs to work here. Most tend to have communication prob at work, dun have much social support here and the Sisters seems to b prejudiced against them.
Back from Balai. Huo4 yi4 bui4 qian3. Saw enthusiasium in the aunties who started learning Malay to better cater to the community there. Some others impressed me with their love for the pple there. I saw the need for more ministry workers. May God send pple there to do His works and may the chosen ones be sensitive to know God's will to obey Him. Balai is such a nice place for a get-away from buzzy life in singapore. Nice scenary, simple lifestyle. Can consider living there in my later yrs. Ha!
I got to know a retired nurse from AMK Methodist Church. It was so comfortable talking to her. She's sooo motherly. We had earnest sharings with each other. Finally found someone who really understood the stress to be on nursing duty and provided me with great advice. Wow! Thank God for the chance to meet her. =) Everything happens for a reason. It may be to learn a lesson, strengthen u... Whatever it is, God has it all planned. What intelligence! =)
It's been a few days since i last wrote. I'm on annual leave again (till Tues)! Time to rest and relax. Some gd news to share. Beginning to find meaning in working as a nurse. It's a form of my worship to Him. Upon realisation, i suddenly dun find it so much of a chore to go work nowadays. Halleujah! "Whatever u do, do it for God and not for Man." These words spoke to me when i was reading The Purpose Driven Life. Do things not for urself but for the pleasure of God. That way, i can be patient when it comes to serving difficult patients because i know God loves all. And He'll want me to love them all too.
Played badminton today early in the morning with piggy (Here's what u wanted - me to mention u in e blog. Haha.) Feels great to sweat it all out. It's been a long while since playing badminton was strenuous, not cos i'm pro but cos i was too lazy run during the games. ha! how lazy can i get. Reached home at abt 4pm n refused to bathe after the game cos i was so tired. Went straight to bed. Zzz. Just wanna encourage piggy to lose weight. U can do it, gal! Think u just need to be proactive and determined abt it.
Was teased by my choir friends for not knowing directions well. It's true and I'm not afraid of admitting it.
Will be going to Balai (in Indo) for a short missionary trip this weekend. Mixed feelings abt it. Excited as well as a little worried, cos will be going with pple i dun really know well. Trust that God will work things out. Leave it all to Him. Will be providing medical service to the residents there n also help during their sunday sch n services. Hope i do get a chance to spread the gospel n learn from the experience. Am curious to know whether u guys have heard abt the Gospel. If u have, what do u think abt it?
marble floor that I walk on at home...
The pathway at the void deck. Nice rite? proud of myself
shadows on pathway....
Went for church class gathering early in the morning ytd. This time with our long-lost friend who left church in P6. The world is so so small. I first saw him at NYP choir where i went back as alumni. Found him familar, esp his eyes. So distinct. Then, i discovered during supper while chatting with him that he's actually my ex-churchmate! Enjoyed the breakfast session. Am surprised what the others remember abt him. Think it'll be intriguing to know how our memory works. In the twinkling of an eye, we've all grown into young adults. Some already gotten driving licence or are already working.
Went back to work. A little lost but glad things went smoothly.
Received an sms from my ex. Could feel my heart become heavier after reading it. He's still brooding over the breakup and think he feels guilty about it. Well, what's past has passed. We did have wonderful memories together and i do dream abt it, wishing that we're still together. But, i don't think it's possible unless he's willing to commit. Not that i blame him abt it. Everybody makes mistakes and i've forgiven him in the grace of God. Have faith that God gets rid of ALL of ur sins, only if u come before him to seek His forgiveness. And u can overcome any fear with God as He has already overcome Death+ Sin+ Satan with His resurrection after death.
I do have a dream. That is, to be a caring nurse. Currently, i'm already working as one but am still adjusting to the line. And, I've discovered that it's not as easy as i expected it to be when i stepped into the school. I do feel scared when my patient collapse on me and i remembered how it felt like when i first did last office for a patient who died just minutes ago. It was quite traumatic for me. Thank God i got over it. I guess it's true that wan4 shi4 qi3 tou2 nan2. There were other aspects that i didn't like. All the admin work and the doctors - so irritating. Always have to hound them to get things done and does things half-way. Situations become real trying when demanding patients come my way too. so stressful. I cried out numerous times to God. Only he knows what exactly i've been going through. I'm so so glad that i've God in my life and He supplies me with all the emotional strength and patience at work. :)
I started to wonder if nursing is really the job for me. Unsure. What is God's purpose for me? ( i'm looking for the answer in "Purpose-driven life" by Rick Warren. finally i started to read.) For now, i've decided to hang on and see how it goes. There have been encouragements from family, friends and patients though. Patients wrote in to praise me for the love and care i showered upon them. It feels real good to be appreciated. :)
That's about nursing. Here's sth else.
My dad really worries me. Ever since he met with an accident abt 8 yrs ago, he loves to collect junk like a garang guni. He uses the house as the storeroom. U can imagine what my house looks like. To him, it is his way of contributing additional $$$ to the family. (Btw, he has a proper job as a security guard). How much can he earn with that? With the junk at home, the whole family feel so itchy from the dust and insects which comes along with them. We've talked to him so many times but he's so stubborn. We tried throwing the junk away when he's out but he'd carry it back again. And he suffers from injuries these days when he falls along the road or some drain for one reason or another. When will he ever learn?