hey guys... so sorry for neglecting.
have been rather busy n lazy when i'm not busy. i tend to make myself so busy at most times due to my hardworking nature. heh.. i'm not bragging. wrote 2 of my colleagues a nice, personal, sweet note to say how i loved working with them. it's nice to observe pple in different situations n how one relates to another. if i were free n not feeling too lethargic, i'd prob do some kind of experiment, sitting somewhere sipping pure chocolate relaxing, quietly observing pple n writing some funny notes abt life n pple. i can picture myself doing just tat, maybe even sketching some stuff. i can be happy doing simple things as such.
was talking to a colleague whom i can clique with during dinner ytd. think we've similar working personality. not loud, tender, not very brave but strong emotionally, helpful n love to keep to ourselves. was rather shocked tat she n her husband din even let their parents know when they got married, cos they din really feel the need. however, in the same situation i figured i would react differently.
it's always a constant struggle to put God no. 1 in my life. At one point or another, i would choose myself, my boyfriend, my family n friends, the easier way out of problems instead of doing it god's way. Like today. sometimes i feel like it's too hard, sometimes not (cos am more hardened in my heart tat i dun even see the prob). When i feel i'm too tired n lack strength to carry on leading a life tat's pleasing to God, verses like "Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." Matthew 11:29-30, "Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the game goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever." 1 corinthians 9:24-25
yippee! going for discipleship class after a week of break. missed it.
hey guys, i'm back!
was down with tonsilitis for e past 2 wks. had 2 work night shift though i was quite sick. din wanna take mc cos it'll be very ma fan n very hard to find replacement. my supervisor was saying tat my other colleague on night shift took mc e same time i was sick, disrupting other pple's roster. if she knew i was sick too, how would she have reacted? prob screaming at me.. nobody knows e sacrifices tat i made n how tough it was for me, except god. does it matter, anyway? i'm not e kind who'll make a big fuss n makes sure everyone impt. knows wat's happening to me.
well, i tot i could love like God loved and accept e flaws of everybody around me. but i'm proved wrong. indeed it's not tat easy. a little discouraged, disappointed with myself n think i'm just a hypocrite, cos wat i think doesn't correspond with wat i feel in my heart. think i need to be patient 4 god to mould me into his shape.
my respected christian supervisor is leaving soon le. sad. how would e ward be like without her?
more cold n less human touch? hmm, we'll see.
was reading colossians ytd n came upon this verse chapt 1:10"And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may you please Him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God." what high expectations Paul and Timothy had for the christans! worthy of the Lord n please Him in every way... Examined my life n i see myself falling short of tat expectation so many a times cos of my wretched self n was reminded of my previous sins. cried.. went on to read chapt 2:13-14 "When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your sinful nature, god made you alive with christ. He forgave us all our sins, having cancelled the written code with its regulations, tat was against us and that stood opposed to us; he took it away, nailing it to the cross." We are so victorious in God for He has overcome all our sins!
Simplicity pls...
Qn: Why can't humans be more simple? isn't it tiring to guess each one's intentions? why always think tat everyone is so selfish tat they won't compromise their plans if they could?
Real-life scenario: received a call from my supervisor asking me if i could work today - Valentine's. said i already have plans today but if i could b off on 17th, it'll b great. cos i wanted to have reunion dinner with my family but could not. then she asked "if i give u rest day on tat day, u'll work today?" said i would give further considerations if so.
Reflection: tiring when u have to guard against other's intentions while protecting ur own interests. this short communication shows selfishness in both parties. Humans r selfish in nature. God made the world like tat so that His goodness would be contrasted in human's weaknesses n imperfection. it's in human imperfection that we see e full manifestation of God's love and grace. Humans can only rationalise and fail to see God's big picture cos we r so limited in intelligence.
God's grace manifested in me
had a quarrel with sis cos of some stupid disagreement. cos i printed lots of pages n she had 2 change e ink cartridge for e printer n i refused 2 apologise when she demanded one. laughable when i look back. it's funny how we jeopartise our relationships cos of such small petty things. When humans sin in small n big things, refusing to admit and ask for forgiveness from God and others cos of pride, we jeopartise our relationships. If we could take steps to salvage e situation, relationship with God n others would b revived and prob even better than b4. like now it is for me, in God's grace :)
Tears kept coming 2 my eyes during worship on Sun @ church. Experienced God's grace n was reminded when i was singing this song. esp. since i realised i had sinned in such a terrible way the day earlier.
As we gather
As we gather may your spirit work within us,
As we gather may we glorify your name.
Knowing well that as our hearts begin to worship,
We'll be glad because we came
we'll be glad because we came.
The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases,
His mercies never come to an end.
They are new ever morning, new every morning,
Great is thy faithfulness, O Lord.
Great is thy faithfulness.
Really, God's faithful. No matter what happens, he loves YOU and everyone else. Never lesser, never more. cos His love and grace is infinity and boundless, immeasureable. tat e closest description tat man can understand is tat His love is deeper than the deepest ocean, wider than the sea. there's nothing he can't handle, u can trust Him with your deepest, darkest secrets and he'll deal with n throw it all away. choosing to forget all about it and loves you the same, unconditionally. where else can u find such love? Even if u dun know Him, He knew u from the start n planned everything for u, even before u were born. and He loved u, the same extent and depth as he loved everyone (murderers even). too gd to be true indeed, but it's real i can tell u.
Struggling to do what i know is right and pleasing in God's sight. Do pray for me. i want to be victorious for God but lack the strength and courage to be honest about it.
Happy valentines to all! May you come to know God who is the greatest lover.
Hey CK n WX, am so glad tat u r walking in God's light n tat's He's guiding n guarding your relationship. :) it's hard to keep away from sin but take a stand for God n be firm about it. Abraham was tested to give Isacc (His precious son) to God and chose to trust God in it, resulting in blessings from God and called God's friend (James 2: 21-23, Genesis 22:1-19). Suffer for God, reap blessings in e end. Be contented in God himself, everything else is secondary (including each other). do come to me if there's anything u need, i'll c wat i can do. be it in e form of encouragements or resources (books abt relationship in God) cos i'm learning more abt it too n probably can share from experience. will keep u guys in my prayers. :)
many simple joys of life. looking around @ God's wondrous creations (yup, including creepy crawlees..), reading e Bible n living it out. was wondering y i dun experience e extreme joy n thirst that i'm supposed to have as a child of God. So, God led me to read tozer's intriguing book " I Talk Back to the Devil". n i conclude tat it's cos i dun know God enough. Even Paul at His peak knew tat He still din know enough, n was still thirsting for God. "Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect,but i press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me." Philippians 3: 12. There's so much more aspects of Him to discover. How could we, e christians nowadays, stop seeking His words n be contented with our spiritual condition when there's so much more God can offer? let's "press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus". philippians 3: 14. e yr came to an end n e new yr came. time really flies. my christmas was spent @ church n with my family. wrote all my family members cards, tot it would b really nice. :) i saw a hidden smile on daddy's face after i passed him his present n e card filled with love. :) tat small act drew us closer to each other. yay! really thank God for bringing my lost friend back into His arms. She suddenly told me tat she's looking 4 a church suitable for her. it's like e parable of e lost sheep, lost coin n lost son. Luke chapter 15. i guess there must be so many of angels rejoicing in her repentance. just hope that it's a true repentance for her. shall talk to her soon. @ sentosa's suspension bridge.
a white bird in e midst of peacocks. thorn amongst e roses or rose amongst e thorns?
me and dear's combined effort! part of e Perfect Castle.
too bad e rain came down n we had to stop. e simple joys of building a sandcastle with kiddy tools.sth i've wished to do.
another simple joy of blowing pretty, short-lived bubbles :)
me and jian ming @ vivien's 21st bday celebration
vien e bday gal in her pretty princess-like outfit. 3.5 out of 5 stars.
trying to look fed-up?
e 3 beauties. hehe..
glad to be present on this special occasion of my bestie's. only realised we were each other's longest best friends; we knew each other since p1. such a nice n warm feeling to know tat. friendships r so wonderful. someone who cares n share her life with me n me with her n can fully understand me. one i can b very comfortable with. Thank God for creating friendships. :)
i did e disappearing act once again. oops.. new blogskin. loved it cos it looks so angelic n pure. n i've always liked being on e swing, even now though i've grown older. whenever i'm on it, i feel so carefree.
With the knowledge tat God is working in my life everyday in many situations, i see his footsteps in my life n marvel @ His works. thank God 4 being in my life. n i know He'll cont. to mould me just e way i'm meant to till Jesus comes again. "And i'm sure of this, tat he who began a gd work in you will bring it to completion at e day of Jesus Christ. Philippians 1: 6-7.
i know God is working in me, thru problems n trials. haven't been in gd health. had skin irritation cos of frequent handwashing at work. my hands appear red, inflammed n feels sore when i apply my med n when i use warm water 2 rinse it. n tat's not all. have some pain @ my left abdomen area, sometimes right n centre too. e doc thinks i might have some gynae prob. going 4 an ultrasound scan on 4th dec. it worries me tat i might have probs reproducing cos i love kids so much. came upon psalm 13 n matthew 6:26-27. "look at e birds of e air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, n yet ur heavenly Father feeds them. Are u not much more valuable than they? Who of u by worrying can add a single hr to his life?" Whatever happens, it's God's will, n i'll accept it.
Being in a relationship with JM has brought me closer to e Lord. n i'm thankful for Him in my life. We do sin n stumble sometimes, but we see how God brings us out of bad situations, teaches us lessons each time n uses us to bring each other back to God's words when we r down n out. :) God is gd, all the time. really. n being a christian doesnt mean i would have lesser probs, maybe even more. some would ask "why would u still wanna b a christian then?" well, cos i know no matter wat happens, e Lord my God would never leave or forsake me. a matter of fact, ur loved ones will leave u someday cos of disease, old age, misunderstandings... but God wont. furthermore, He forgives us n removes our sins eg. greed, lust, hatred. Just need to believe n accept Him. but whoever accepts Him must submit to him.
on night shift 2day. looking forward 2 meeting friends next wk. miss them. need 2 know how 2 better manage my time n money..
Rejoice in the Lord
Rejoice in the Lord always and again i say rejoice!
Rejoice in the Lord always and again i say rejoice!
Rejoice, rejoice, and again i say rejoice!
Rejoice, rejoice, and again i say rejoice!
lyrics from a simple christian song which even nursery kids know how 2 sing.
tend to overlook e lyrics cos it's so familar. sang it when i was walking back from jogging 2day.
it's easy to rejoice in e Lord when we're filled with joy n happy events. wat about when we're overcome with sorrow or sufferings? Look to a fine example in e Bible. Job. God tested Him by taking away all tat he had. His sheeps, cows, camels, children, but he answered :"The lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised." (Job 1:21) Then God took away his health, gave him sores all over his body. still he said :"shall we accept good from God, and not trouble?" (Job 2:10) in spite of the cynical n demoralising comments tat his wife and friends said to him.
prayed abt me n JM. we're dating now, not tog yet. think it'll do both of us good 2 know more abt each other b4 we rush into a relationship. may e Lord teach us to b disciplined n prioritise.
no, guys.. i din abandon my blog..
busy busy.. adjusting 2 changes @ work. learning how 2 nurse patients in high dependency unit. still haven really settled in cos my supervisors keep deploying me 2 other ward settings.. wat 2 do, i'm versatile n highly adaptable. haha, florence's skin is as thick as an elephant's.. was very irritated by my supervisor earlier on 4 "kicking me around like a ball" but shall choose 2 have a positive attitude towards e frequent changes..
caught e flu bug once again. on night shift. a little lost n blur. first set of nights @ HD. it's indeed not as busy as compared 2 my previous dept. but stress level still high. i do get messed up n lose my cool. first time nursing a post-liver transplant patient 2night. more things 2 learn yet again. Teach me n mould me, dear Lord. no matter wat it takes. may i please u in all tat i do. teach me 2 me firm n not conform 2 slipshod nursing practices. it's really not easy but i want 2 obey. :)
starting on purpose-driven syllabus in Sun sch. must brain-storm on how 2 make class more interesting n easier 4 e kids 2 absorb..
started on yoga classes. really therapeutic. tones me up, increases flexibility n increases my conc. level. just like other forms of exercise, as long as u dun believe in e religious aspects of it.
lost my hp @ marina square. how could anyone have any opportunity 2 steal my phone when i din leave it lying around n my friends were with me all e time? realised i have been dependent on my phone 2 e extent tat i felt lost without it. lost some of my contacts as a result. sighs..
a bro in christ broke up with her non-christian gf of 5 yrs cos they're unequally yoked.. must b feeling terrible. i guess time will help him 4get abt it. difficult decision but am proud of Him. blessed is one who reads God's words n obeys it. find comfort in e lord :)